Starting A Seawall In Boothbay, Maine

Walking along an old seawall in Boothbay, Maine before the reconstruction

After a long permitting process we got the go ahead last winter to rebuild this seawall in Boothbay. Almost two hundred feet long, it starts as a retaining wall for a small island and then juts freestanding into the Damariscotta River. The wall leads to a dry laid stone float and acts as the only access to the client’s boat.

When the wall and pier were built in the 1800’s, boats from New York and Boston would dock to be loaded with hay, grown in Maine and shipped south for city horses.

Today, the wall is starting to fail. It’s become dangerous to walk across the top. And, high tides now routinely cover the wall completely. So, we’re tearing the wall down, rebuilding in the same footprint, and raising it’s height.


Maine Seawall


Dry Laid Stone Wall In South Bristol, Maine