Stone Labyrinth: I Miss The People

stone arch, stone labyrinth

I miss the people.

Sure, there was the excitement of leaving home and traveling somewhere unfamiliar for a project. The novelty of working at a swanky resort. The thrill of being part of an epic build. But mostly I miss rolling heavy rocks in the Tennessee mud with ten other people.

I miss being too tired to talk much first thing in the morning, standing shoulder to shoulder with three other people in a tiny kitchen, all of us trying to make coffee at the same time with different contraptions. I miss doing my work while ten other people do their work until somehow it becomes our work. I miss falling asleep in my room, the knock and roll of pool balls and muffled voices in the common area right outside my door. I miss walking up that steep fucking hill at the end of a long day. I miss the communal dinners. And the conversations I was mostly either too tired or just feeling too quiet to engage in. I miss the long slow twisty-turny morning drive into the job site, low fog in the narrow valleys, the sun just coming up over the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.

I miss the people.

When I left Maine and headed south to Tennessee, I expected to get along with everyone. I didn’t expect to feel a hole when it was over.


This project was designed and led by the amazing Thea Alvin. Check out her work and her thoughts on the labyrinth here.

Read some more thoughts I had about this experience here.


Trail Markers: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens


Giant Stone Labyrinth Of Eastern Tennessee